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Why The Wi-Fi Doesn’t Have A Valid Ip Configuration – How Do You Fix The Issue?

Why The Wi-Fi Doesn’t Have A Valid Ip Configuration – How Do You Fix The Issue?

When you are browsing the Web using a Wi-Fi connection and it suddenly goes down – you will most likely end up troubleshooting to uncover the issue as ‘Why the WiFi Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration’. It really does not matter if you are using Windows 8 or Windows 10 version; it is a very common issue. If you are looking for the solution, continue reading below to learn about the best possible techniques that can help resolve the issue quickly.

Reset The TCP/IP and Network Adapter

Most of the time, you simply have to reset the TCP/IP or the network adapter to access the Web. In order to do this, you must utilize the command prompt.

Release And Renew Your IP Address

It does not matter if there is an IP configuration issue or IP-based problem, you can easily get rid of your old IP address and assign a new IP address automatically. Just type the following commands to make this happen;

Assign An IP Address Manually

You may consider manually assigning an IP address to resolve IP-related issues.

Check For The Wi-Fi Router’s Configuration

It is very unlikely that you have to check your Wi-Fi router’s configuration unless you have modified it lately. However, if you did something, make sure to go through the manufacturer’s device manual in order to check the settings.

Modify The Number of DHCP Users

The Wi-Fi routers are restricted to a specific number of users. If you have several connections active through your router, you need to check this for sure. Moreover, you can check out the user guide to check the configuration of your Wi-Fi router, ensure to look for the vital steps in order to change the number of DHCP users accessing your network.

Disable Active VPN Services

A VPN service, if configured wrong, can lead to such issues. So, if you have been using a VPN, check whether it is causing the issue or is it something else. Stop using a VPN to see if the issue gets resolved or not.

With these aforementioned solutions, you can conveniently fix the issue ‘Why the Wi-Fi Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration’. As you go online again, you can quickly diagnose your network using a troubleshooter to authenticate if you will still be encountering this issue.

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